
WritersUA 2009: Registration Day: Sunday 29 March

March 30, 2009

Tweets for WritersUA are #writersua (http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23writersua) No, I’m not into Twitter (yet!), but I was told that this is where the Twitterers (?) hang out!


I spent part of this morning at the Pike Place Markets after having a late breakfast/brunch with Char at the 5th Avenue Cafe. Char went back to work on a document while I went to the markets. Coming back into the hotel, I saw Bonni who was about to catch a bus to go catch the ferry to Bainbridge Island — I had to drop stuff back in the room first, but said if she was still there when I got down (i.e. if the bus hadn’t already come), I’d join her. There’s a real problem being 40+ floors up — it takes a long time for the elevator to get to the floor and after dropping off the stuff etc. it took even longer to get down, especially with about 8 stops along the way, so by the time I raced back to the street and the bus stop, Bonni had gone :-( Sorry Bonni!

I went down to the registration desk around 2pm, got my conference goodies, and, as there was no-one hanging around except the lovely WUA staff, I said my hellos and then went back to the room to go through the stuff in the conference bag. There’s rarely any time at all during the conference to go through the bag, so the Sunday afternoon is always good! I also went through my presentation again as I’m on tomorrow afternoon.

There’s a meetup at the bar this evening (I think it’s around 7:00pm), then I have a dinner to go to.

All systems go for the start of the conference tomorrow morning. There are lots of exciting presentations on and already I’ve identified several time slots where I can’t decide which one to go to. This year we get an extra bonus — in addition to all the presentation slides being reproduced in black and white in the conference books, we also get a CD with the slides for all presentations in full colour. Thanks Joe — that’s a nice touch.

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