
Get an accurate word count

February 3, 2009

Do you charge by the word or the line? Transcribers, translators, and some writers do. Microsoft Word has a line numbering feature and a word count feature, but what about counting words and lines in other formats, like HTML, Excel or PowerPoint?

To the rescue is PractiCount and Invoice, a small software program that counts the words and lines in pretty much any format you throw at it. And it can create an invoice based on those counts too!

It also works with Vista and Office 2007 applications. And it might be a solution for those trying to stay within the 140 character limits of Twitter or 160 character limits of SMS!

You can download and try it free for 15 days:

[Links last checked February 2009]

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  1. […] how to get an accurate word count in MS […]

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